Hot Topics

Step into our Hot Topics section, where we spotlight trending issues, commonly asked questions and our most popular resources for you and your family.

How do I request an evaluation for services at school?

Your child has been struggling in school. You think they would benefit from services but don’t know how to go about getting the school to do an evaluation. Listen to this excerpt from the Lay Educational Advocacy Program (L.E.A.P.) foundational training as special education expert, Karen Cooper discusses a great way to request and evaluation from your school district and make sure you cover all your bases.

Watch this video to learn more.


Can an IEP meeting be held without the parent?

The school scheduled an I.E.P. meeting and you can’t attend at that date and time. What do you do? Can they hold the meeting without you? Listen to this excerpt from the Lay Educational Advocacy Program (L.E.A.P.) foundational training as special education expert, Karen Cooper discusses a whether a school district can hold an I.E.P. meeting without a parent’s attendance.

Watch this video to learn more.


Can I still attend my child's IEP if they are 18?

When you have a child in special education, you may have been told that a lot of things will change when they turn 18. Listen to this excerpt from the Lay Educational Advocacy Program (L.E.A.P.) foundational training as special education experts, Karen Cooper and Kaycee Machino discuss a whether a parent is entitled to continue to attend I.E.P. meetings after the student turns 18.

Watch this video to learn more.


Missouri Open Door Benefit Series: SSI and SSDI

The Social Security Administration has two disability programs which are federally funded. They are often confused because they have many similarities and some important differences this webinar explains both and eligibility for each.

Watch this video to learn more.


Missouri Open Door Benefit Series: Medicare 101

Are you just turning sixty-five? Currently receiving Medicare benefits? A caretaker with limited understanding of Medicare? Join us for an overview of Original Medicare and begin to increase your understanding of how the “parts fit” together. The presentation will include topics of Part A, Part B and Part D.

Watch this video to learn more.


Missouri Open Door Technology Series: Workshop Building a "Smart" Home

In this workshop you will learn about ways to make your home more convenient and accessible to live in for those you support without spending the extra time or money to do so.

Watch this video to learn more.


Missouri Open Door Technology Series: Ways to Pay for Assistive Technology

In this workshop we learn about the integrated supports star and resources to fund assistive technology devices and services

Watch this video to learn more.


Alternatives to Guardianship: Supported Decision Making



Supported decision making is about helping people, regardless of age or ability, make their own decisions by using a variety of integrated supports, including other people they trust, technology, community supports or paid supports. The supports might help a person understand issues/choices, ask questions, receive explanations in a way that works for them, communicate their own decisions to others or build their own decision-making skills. Just because someone has a certain disability or diagnosis or is experiencing memory or other challenges related to aging or dementia, doesn’t mean they cannot express preferences or make choices and decisions, with help as needed. It’s really what we all do without even thinking about it!

Learn More About Supported Decision-Making



Charting the LifeCourse for Family Perspective tools

The family perspective materials are designed to help families articulate their vision of what they want/don’t want for their family members, identify and access key supports and have conversations with their family members and supporters about planning for a good life now and in the future.

Charting the LifeCourse Framework and Tools


Learn More About Charting the LifeCourse for Family Perspective Tools


The Integrated Supports Star for Planning


Watch this video to learn how to use the Integrated Supports Star for planning and setting goals for employment. Employment is an important part of adult identity. Work is an opportunity to earn money but also to build friendships, learn new things and achieve a sense of accomplishment, competence and pride! It gives people something to do with their time, adds structure to their day, builds social networks and helps attain a sense of purpose. Having the right job can greatly increase satisfaction with and quality of life.

Watch this video to learn more.