Training for Individuals and Supporters

Missouri Open Door Series
- Benefits Series – every second Wednesday of the month
- Technology Series – every fourth Wednesday of the month

As a parent or family member to a student with a disability, you want the best possible education for your child. But Special Education services and processes can be time and energy-consuming and tough to figure out. The Lay Educational Advocacy Program (LEAP) is an intensive in-person and online training designed to inform families, self-advocates and community supporters on Special Education law, student and parental rights and the best way to be heard within the school system. Whether it’s the entire in-depth training or just a short resource video on a specific issue, those who need information on how to make the best of the Special Education system can find guidance here.

Charting My LifeCourse Training
This online self-paced training introduces self-advocates to the building blocks of the Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) framework and exploring their goals and vision for a Good Life. It is designed to teach individuals with disabilities how they can use the tools in their own lives, including facilitating their formal planning process (for services) and helping them to achieve their goals outside of the formal service systems. Includes a Certificate of Completion.