Families and individuals who navigate the Special Education system often feel alone, confused and overwhelmed during educational meetings, such as an IEP or Section 504 planning session. The system can make it tough for families and individuals to champion for themselves about what they want or need.
This is where LEAP can help. The Lay Educational Advocacy Program (LEAP) is an intensive in-person and online training designed to inform families, self-advocates, and community supporters on Special Education law, student and parental rights, and the best way to be heard within the school system. Whether it’s the entire in-depth training or just a short resource video on a specific issue, those who need information on how to make the best of the Special Education system can find guidance here.
I want to advocate for myself or my family
As a parent or family member to a student with a disability, you want the best possible education for your child. But Special Education services and processes can be time and energy-consuming and tough to figure out. LEAP has put together numerous resources to help educate and support families, including short, topical videos, comprehensive training modules and connections to state and local organizations who provide advocacy.
Enroll for the LEAP Online Series
The full LEAP training delivered through a self-paced learning experience is comprised of 13 individual courses each taking an hour to an hour and a half to complete. Courses can be taken independently by topic area or sequentially in the full series. Learners may only be interested in taking one or two courses, and complete the full series in order or jump around based on learners’ interests and needs. All choices are welcome.
*Spanish versions of LEAP online materials and training videos are available for bilingual advocates and parents.
I want to become an educational advocate
The Lay Educational Advocacy Program (LEAP) was designed to train professionals, community members and parents who want to ensure an appropriate education for children with disabilities. LEAP supports Missouri families during the special education process. LEAP training sessions teach: Basics advocacy skills and how they apply in the education setting, foundational concepts of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and 504 Planning and specialty topics, such as parent and student rights, transition planning and school discipline.
I want my organization to get involved
Enhance Your Organization’s Advocacy
Your organization or community can benefit from having a team of trained special education advocates. Organizations can support a staff group or community members through the LEAP training two ways:
- Group-facilitated online training: Organizations can lead a group through the free, online training using the facilitator’s guide developed to reinforce learning and encourage group discussion about the training content.
- Sponsored, live training: The LEAP training can be delivered live, virtually or in-person by our team of advocacy experts by request.
Join the Missouri Educational Advocacy Network
The Missouri Educational Advocacy Network is a statewide network of organizations and advocates who:
- Assist and enable concerned citizens to master information and negotiate systems to help secure the educational opportunities that are a civil right and legal mandate for students with disabilities.
- Ensure and provide accurate information on the complex issues surrounding Missouri’s educational system to raise competency levels of those who advocate on behalf of students with disabilities. These are people who have a shared interest in increasing the capacity of Missouri organizations, professionals and parents in advocating for special education services and support for Missouri’s children with disabilities.
This group meets quarterly to:
- Network with other educational advocacy stakeholders
- Stay current on state and federal policies and laws
- Identify successes and barriers around educational advocacy for inclusive education across Missouri
- Share training and other opportunities to build capacity
If you’re interested in learning more about how to host a LEAP training series, joining the Network or want to get involved, contact MoFamilytoFamily@umkc.edu
LEAP Member List
- UMKC-Institute for Human Development
- Missouri Family to Family Resource Center
- Missouri Disability Empowerment
- Family Advocacy and Community Training
- Legal Services of Eastern Missouri
- Missouri Protection & Advocacy
- MO Parents Act – MPACT
- Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
- Missouri Disability Empowerment
- Central MO Community Action
- Arc of the Ozarks
- Families and Self-Advocates