Select a Life Domain icon below for a list of related resources.

Daily Life & Employment

Advocacy & Engagement

Community Living

Safety & Security

Healthy Living

Social & Spirituality
Daily Life & Employment
What a person does as part of everyday life–school, employment, volunteering, communication, routines, life skills
MO Parents as Teachers
Provides parents with child development knowledge and parenting support. 1-866-728-4968
MO Head Start
Child development program for children 0-5, providing academic, social and emotional development services, as well as health and nutrition services for income-eligible families. 573-884-5078
Missouri Parents Act (MPACT)
Visit Missouri’s federally funded Parent Training and Information Center (MPACT). Its mission is to empower families through support, training and education to advocate for children with special education needs. Their website includes information on upcoming training sessions about various education topics. They also provide direct support to families navigating special education resources and programs. 1-800-743-7634
Parent Link
Supports and resources to succeed and thrive as a family. ParentLink’s Kinship Navigator Line (Kin-4-Kid Line) exists to assist and strengthen families of relative/kin caregivers, grandparents and foster parents caring for children in a kinship relationship. This includes children being cared for by kin in foster care or legal guardianship arrangements, children at risk of entering foster care being cared for by kin and children being cared for by kin outside of the child welfare system.
Missouri has partnered with STABLE Account, a national ABLE plan, to make STABLE accounts available to residents of Missouri.
A STABLE account is an investment account available to eligible individuals living with disabilities. STABLE accounts allow you to save and invest money without losing eligibility for certain public benefits programs, like Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Income (SSDI). Earnings in your STABLE account are not subject to federal income tax, so long as you spend them on qualified disability expenses
Ticket to Work
Ticket to Work connects you with free employment services to help you decide if working is right for you, prepare for work, find a job or maintain success while you are working. It helps people who receive SSDI or SSI benefits but want to work. 1-866-968-7842
Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE)
Works with stakeholders to maintain a strong public education system, including early childhood, adult learning and vocational rehabilitation. 573-751-4212
First Steps: Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE)
First Steps is Missouri’s Early Intervention system for infants and toddlers, birth to age three, who have delayed development or diagnosed conditions that are associated with developmental disabilities. The federal law governing First Steps is Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is the lead state agency responsible for implementing the First Steps program. First Steps is a voluntary program which provides families the tools they need to help their child be successful. 1-866-583-2392
Office of Special Education: Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE)
Office of Special Education oversees special education programs within the Division of Learning Services, the Office of Special Education administers state and federal funds to support services for students and adults with disabilities. This office also oversees the operation of three school systems administered by the State Board of Education. These are the Missouri School for the Blind, the Missouri School for the Deaf and the Missouri Schools for Severely Disabled. 573-751-5739
Transition: Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE)
Transition provides information on transition options, programs, resources, trainings, and community efforts.Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and Special Education share responsibility in preparing youth with disabilities for the transition from school to post-high school employment, education, specialized training and independence.
The local school district is primarily responsible for providing transition-related services while a student is still in school. However for students with disabilities who are, or may be, eligible to receive vocational rehabilitation services, communication and collaboration with VR may help to ensure a smoother transition. 573-751-0187
Vocational Rehabilitation: Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE)
Vocational Rehabilitation provides services to assist eligible people with disabilities to find and maintain employment. At all stages throughout the VR program, eligible students will be provided vocational information and guidance allowing them to make informed choices regarding their vocational plan. 1-877-222-8963
Eligible students may receive one or more of the following transition-related services, which include but are not limited to:
- Vocational planning
- Career guidance and counseling
- On-the-job training
- Assistance with finding a job
- Independent living services at Centers for Independent Living
- Pre-employment transition services
Missouri Department of Social Services
Helps Missourians with food stamps (SNAP), health care, child care, child support, blind services and other basic needs help ensure the safety, permanency and well-being of Missouri children and youth.
Family Support Division
- Family Support Division Information Center: 855-373-4636
- Food Stamp Case Information: 800-392-1261
- Food Stamp/TA/Child Care Interviews: 855-823-4908
- Rehabilitation Services For The Blind: 800-592-6004
- Temporary Assistance/SAB/BP Case Information: 800-392-1261
Advocacy & Engagement
Building valued roles, making choices, setting goals, assuming responsibility and driving how one’s own life is lived.
Missouri Family to Family
Provides free, individualized, and family-centered supports provided by information specialists and trained mentors for individuals with disabilities and/or special health care needs, their families and support professionals. 1-800-444-0821
MO Governor’s Council on Disability
Hosts an online disability portal to connect individuals with local, state and national disability resources. 1-800-877-8249
Brain Injury Association of MO (BIA-MO)
Offers programs of support, education, recreation, and advocacy to help individuals and families adjust to and fully live life with a brain injury. 1-800-444-6443
MO National Alliance on Mental Illness (MO-NAMI)
Support groups, family courses, resources and information for families of children with mental health needs.
People First of MO
Statewide organization formed and run by people with developmental disabilities that provides members with advocacy and self-determination development and peer support. 1-800-558-8652
UMKC Institute for Human Development (UMKC IHD)
As Missouri’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), UMKC-IHD provides research, training, and program and policy support around issues that affect people with disabilities throughout their lifespan. 816-235-1770
LifeCourse Nexus
LifeCourse Nexus, at UMKC-IHD, offers a library of person-centered tools and resources designed to help you organize your ideas, vision, and goals, as well as problem-solve, navigate and advocate for supports. The Nexus is a national center for training and technical assistance for professionals and organizations. 1-800-773-8652
Mo Developmental Disabilities Council
MO Developmental Disabilities Council is a federally funded, 23 member council appointed by the Governor to assure individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed supports in all aspects of community life and accomplishes this through grants and projects, such as Partners in Policymaking. 1-800-500-7878
Missouri Sibling Leadership Network
A community for siblings of people with disabilities to connect with each other and advocate for and alongside our families.
Community Living
Where and how someone lives – housing and living options, community access, transportation, home adaptations and modifications.
United Way 2-1-1
Need to find counseling, a health clinic, job training, a food pantry and don’t know where to go? Want to volunteer or donate goods? Dial 2-1-1 on your phone and speak to a person who can help find community resources to fit your needs. 2-1-1 ; KC: 1-866-320-5764; StL: 1-800-427-4626
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
Administers rental subsidies, provides funds for home modifications, low-income housing, home-ownership and implements the Fair Housing Act. KC: 913-551-5644; StL: 314-418-5400
MO Housing Development Commission
Housing Finance Agency coordinates grants and low-cost loans for affordable housing, including both sales and rentals, as well as home repairs. KC: 816-759-6600; StL: 314-877-1350
MO Assistive Technology
Offers programs to connect individuals to technology that meets their personal needs, such as demonstration centers, training, loan library and technology specialist support. 816-655-6700
MO Inclusive Housing Development Corporation (MO Housing)
Provides info about accessible and affordable housing. Offers support to individuals as they search for a home that meets their needs. 1-855-444-5100
MO Disability Portal – Transportation
Lists transportation resources that are available in the state of Missouri.
Great Plains ADA Center
Provides information, technical assistance and training on the ADA.
Safety & Security
Staying safe and secure – emergencies, well-being, guardianship options, legal rights and issues.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Missouri
The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available 24/7 to offer you free and confidential support whenever you need. Call or text 988 or visit their website for chat and videophone features.
MO Protection and Advocacy Services
Federally funded and mandated program which protects the rights of persons with disabilities and their families through legal-based advocacy and legal services to access education, community living, health care, employment, housing, transportation, voting and other civil rights. 1-800-392-8667
Legal Services of MO
Four regional centers provide legal services for individuals with low-incomes, including people with disabilities and seniors.
MO Juvenile Justice Association
Promotes justice for children, youth and families within MO and offers Bar Association approved trainings. 573-616-1058
Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline
To report the abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation of vulnerable individuals 60 and older and people with disabilities between 18 and 59. 1-800-392-0210
Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
To report the abuse or neglect of a child. 1-800-392-3788
Healthy Living
Managing and accessing health care and staying well – medical, mental health, behavioral health, developmental, wellness and nutrition.
CDC Health Linkages
Missouri Family to Family is proud to serve as the statewide site for the Health Linkages Program, connecting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) across Missouri to vital healthcare and community resources. Learn More and Sign Up.
Cover Missouri
Statewide coalition convened by Missouri Foundation for Health that helps consumers gain information and in-person assistance needed to understand their health insurance options and financial help available to them. 1-800-466-3213
Community Health Centers
Centers provide health and dental care to people of all ages, whether or not they have health insurance or the money to pay for health care.
Missouri SHIP – State Health Insurance Assistance Program
Provides free, unbiased advocacy, education and assistance to people with Medicare and those who help them to make informed decisions about Medicare and related health insurance needs. 1-800-390-3330
MO Community Options & Resources
Provides information about all long-term supports and services across the lifespan. 1-855-834-8555
MO HealthNet/MO HealthNet for Kids
Medicaid program for seniors, people with disabilities, low income families, pregnant women and children. 573-751-3425
MO Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Statewide network of local agencies that provide information to help seniors and people with disabilities to maintain an independent lifestyle.
MO Department of Insurance (DCI)
Helps consumers resolve complaints and inquiries, provides information on insurance policy questions, investigates violations and provides insurance education and outreach. 1-800-726-7390 (Consumer Hotline)
MO Department of Health & Senior Services
Works with organizations across the state to offer information and assistance to improve the health and well-being of thousands of Missouri families every year. 573-751-6400
Healthy Families: MO Department of Health & Senior Services
Healthy Families provides supplemental food, health care referrals, nutrition education, and breastfeeding promotion. They also provide support to eligible pregnant women, new mothers, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants and children up to age five.
Special Health Care Need (SHCN) Family Partnership: MO Department of Health & Senior Services
Special Health Care Need (SHCN) Family Partnership serves families of children and youth with special health care needs with information and peer support.
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program: MO Department of Health & Senior Services
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program serves participants from birth to age 21 who meet medical and financial eligibility.
Medically Fragile Adult Waiver Program (MFAW): MO Department of Health & Senior Services
Medically Fragile Adult Waiver Program (MFAW) serves MO HealthNet recipients with serious and complex medical needs over age 21.
Adult Brain Injury (ABI): MO Department of Health & Senior Services
Adult Brain Injury (ABI) Program assists MO residents, ages 21 to 65, with a traumatic brain injury.
Senior and Disability Services: MO Department of Health & Senior Services
Senior and Disability Services offers senior and disability services for residents of Missouri, including caregiver support, help for independent living and advocacy for elderly people who are too frail to speak up for themselves.
MO Rehabilitation Services for the Blind: MO Department of Health & Senior Services
Offers services to people who are blind or visually impaired to assist with employment, school, and daily living skills through Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent Living, Older Blind, Children’s Services and Prevention of Blindness programs.
MO Independent Living Centers
Federally mandated centers provide information, advocacy and access to supports and services based on the principles of consumer choice and control. There are 22 ILCs in MO. 1-888-667-2117
MO Department of Mental Health
DMH’s main goals are prevention, screening, treatment, rehabilitation and education for those with mental health disorders, developmental disabilities and substance abuse issues.
Division of Developmental Disabilities: MO Department of Mental Health
Developmental Disabilities (DD) serves individuals with developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders that occurred before the age of 22. Services are coordinated through six main regional offices, six satellite offices and the Office of Autism.
Behavioral Health-Substance Use and Mental Illness: MO Department of Mental Health
Behavioral Health-Substance Use and Mental Illness (BH) delivers services to children and adults with mental illness and to persons with substance use disorders by proving funds for prevention, outpatient, residential and detoxification services in community-based programs.
MO Association of County Developmental Disability Services
Statewide membership organization comprised of 65 County Boards and the city of St. Louis that focuses on services for people with developmental disabilities. Many members provide case management for the Division of DD.
MO Coalition for Community Behavioral Healthcare
28 agencies providing information on psychiatric services, alcohol and drug abuse treatment and crisis-intervention.
MO Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Provides information and referral, workshops, training and individual and systems advocacy.
Special Olympics
Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy. Individuals participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. 573-635-1660

The “Green Folder” houses integrated services and supports for you and your family.
Social & Spirituality
Building friendships and relationships, leisure activities, personal networks, and faith community.
Libraries, Museums & More
Search for Public Libraries in Missouri to find fun events hosted by the public libraries across the state.
Discover Nature Events | Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Conservation hosts Discover Nature events that meet both virually and in person.
Waymakers Chapel for the Exceptional
Waymakers Chapel for the Exceptional ministers to individuals with special needs and their families in the St. Louis area.
MU Extension
Community courses across the state of Missouri offered by MU Extension to connect with others
Missouri State Parks
Explore the activities hosted by your local Parks and Recreation Department and check out activities at Missouri State Parks.
Camp Barnabas
Camp Barnabas in SW Missouri is a disability ministry that specializes in a unique Christian summer camp experience for individuals with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
SAGE Advocacy & Services for LGBTQ+Elders
The National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging is the country’s first and only technical assistance resource center focused on improving the quality of services and supports offered to lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender older adults, their families and caregivers.